Op-Ed Published in Mother Jones
RIAH Consortium member Leonard Rubenstein recently published 'Russia Has a Long, Cruel History of Attacking Hospitals. Maybe This Time Its Leaders Will Be Prosecuted'

Myanmar – One Year of Targeted Violence against Health Care
Consortium partners Insecurity Insight publish a special report on violence against healthcare in Myanmar - one year on from the military coup.

Syrian Civil War Publication
Consortium members Rohini Haar and Len Rubenstein, along with others, authored this paper giving an overview of attacks against civilian infrastructure during the Syrian civil war 2012–2018.

Afghanistan needs international support. But what kind?
Paper written by RIAH consortium members Karl Blanchet and Bertrand Taithe is published in The New Humanitarian, 13th September 2021

Commentary published in The Conversation
The Conversation published Healthcare workers are still coming under attack during...

Workshop Summary: Rethinking History of Violence
A summary of presentations, roundtables and questions and answers taken from the June 4th Rethinking History of Violence, Health and Care in Wartime workshop

SHCC Annual Report Released
The Safeguarding Health in Conflict Coalition (SHCC) released its annual report in May 2021 identifying reported incidents of violence against or obstruction of health care in 2020

Roundtable Summary
On 27 April 2021 RIAH and Chatham House co-hosted a roundtable: "Attacks on health and protection of civilians in armed conflict: Five years on from UN Security Council Resolution 2286"

Anniversary of UNSCR 2286
May 2021 marks the five-year anniversary of UN Security Council Resolution 2286.…

Registration Open – Rethinking the History of Violence, Health & Care in Wartime
Registration is open for the Rethinking the History of Violence, Health & Care in Wartime event taking place 4 June. Click to see the programme and link to register.

Storymap Launched
Consortium members from Insecurity Insight and UC Berkeley Human Rights Center have created a story atlas to record incidents of attacks on healthcare in 2020 and illustrate particular cases.

Blog Post: Attacking healthcare must…
Our Researcher Audrey Mahieu discusses the need to bring evidence on the longer-term and wider impact of attacks on healthcare, and her own experience in Central African Republic.

Attend Insecurity Insight's Webinar on March 2nd, discussing the reported violence and threats against health care during the COVID-19 pandemic.